D.O No: 17/6/2021-HSMD Date:   18th  June, 2021

India  has committed  to phase  out identified  single-use  plastics  (SUP)  by 2022.  Hon'ble Prime  Minister  reviewed   the  issue  of  the  elimination   of  single  use  plastics  in  the  PRAGATI meeting  held  on  February   24,  2021.  As  per  the  instructions   received  from  Prime  Minister's Office (PMO), pursuant  to the PRAGA TI meeting,  a targeted  and wider awareness  campaign  has to  be  launched.   In  this  regard,  a pan  India  essay  writing  competition   is  to  be  organized  for school students.

Awareness  generation  is important  for bringing  about a behavioural  change  with  respect to using  single-use  plastic  items.  Hon'ble   Minister  of Environment,   Forest  and Climate  Change on  June  8,  2021   while  launching   a  two  month   long   'Awareness   Campaign   on  Single-Use Plastics-2021',   announced  that  a pan India  essay  writing  competition  for school  students  on the theme'   A Future  without  Plastic  Waste -  through  Sustainability  and  Circularity'   will  be held.  It is envisaged   that  the  essay  writing  competition   will  be held  in  all the  districts  of  the country.

The  main  objectives   of the  essay  writing  competition   are to  foster  the  engagement   of school  students  on the issues  of plastic  waste  management   and elimination  of single-use  plastic items. To ensure maximum  participation  of students,  essays can be written  in Hindi or English  or regional  language  of  the  State.   You  are requested   to  get  the  competition   organised   in all  the schools  of your State.  The schools  covered  under  Kendriya  Vidyalaya  Sangathan  and Navodaya Vidyalaya   Samiti  would  not  be  participating   in  the  competition   organisation   by  the  district administration.  The competition  will be anchored  through  the district  and state school  education Departments    under   the   leadership    of   District    Administration     and   State UT    Government respectively.  School  students  will be awarded  at District,  State  and National  Levels.  The  funds for awards would be provided  by this Ministry.  The details of the competition  are annexed.

It is also requested  that Regional  Committees  may be constituted  to evaluate  the entries as per the annexed  guidelines.

It is requested   that  the  School  Education  Department   of  the  State  Government   and  the District  Collectors District    Magistrate Deputy    Commissioners   may  be  sensitized   and  directed about   the   organization    of  pan-India    essay   writing   competition    for   school   students.   The competition  is to be started  in July 2021 and must be completed  by 30 September  2021.  It would be  held  in  online  mode.  It  is  also  requested   that  State  Level  Committee   and  District  Level Committees  may be constituted  to evaluate  the entries as per the annexed  guidelines.

I would  request  your  intervention  and support  for effective  implementation   of the essay writing  competition  in the schools  of your State. This would go a long way in engagement  of the younger  generation  in tackling  the plastic  pollution  in effective  and sustainable  manner.