1.School Assistants/Head masters who are working in Govt/Zilla Parishad High   Schools in  Zone II  are eligible to apply for the vacant post of Senior/Junior Lecturers in DIET, Dubacherla, West Godavari District.

2.The applicant should possess the required qualification as mentioned against each  post (Annexure uploaded

 3.Seniority is the only criteria for selection.

 4.The age of the  applicant should be less than 58 years as on 31.01.2021.

5.The applicant can apply for more than one post as per his qualifications in one application.

6. The applicant should forward his application in two sets duly enclosing the xerox copies of the qualifications to each application.

6.The applicant shall apply through proper channel as detailed.

         i) School Assistants working in West Godavari District shall apply through concerned  Head Masters or MEOs concerned.

ii) Head masters working in West Godavari District shall apply through DY.E.O concerned.

iii) School Assistants and Head Masters of East Godavari and Krishna Districts   shall apply  through the District Educational Officers concerned.

7.Salaries will be paid in DIET Dubacherla for the selected candidates.

 8.Applications should reach the O/o The Principal, DIET, Dubacherla, Nallajerla Mandal by 05.02.2022.

Download application